Monday, May 16, 2011

weekly review

I Have finished all my funny and easy books, and moved on to some more serious and scary works, namely Stephen King. His works are truly terrifying and chilled me to the bone. It make you think you are reading a historical event. it just seems so....REAL, he even included himself as a character in the Dark Towers and explained that he wrote this book because his characters talked to him in person and had to protect him, because if the evil kills him, the story won't be written and the characters would fail to exist anymore. his intense pacing of the plot really helped amplify the story. in the story the characters travel between worlds and time to save a Tower, the axis of the multiverse, during the trip, they encounter new friends and foes. one character named Pere Callahan was introduced, but he was the main character of another Stephen King book called Salm's lot. Callahan finds this book which was fiction, but described his life in detail. they began searching for this Stephen king, who they think is their God. this gave me a really terrible thought, what if i was only a character, thought up by some random unknown writer? what if i'm only a pawn in his book? with every move i make planned out already? and , if he makes me die, will i die? these are what makes his books so scary and real.
i don't like the feeling , but its really hard to resist. this is a really good series, true or false.

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