Sunday, May 22, 2011

weekly review

This week I have really scared my self too much, so i am transgressing into fantasy books. i heard from daniel that fantasy is really fascinating and relaxing genre, i'll give it a go. I already picked out some fantasy books, how do I know if they are fantasy? Well, the title makes it quite obvious. I have checked out Cry of Icemark, Septimus Heap I~IV and Rangers Apprentice I~VII. So thats 12 books i have planned for next week. I did begin reading Cry of Icemark, and i have to say, i'm pretty not used to this rapid transition from extreme horror and gore with maximum suspense to some far away kingdom that sounds a little like the Scandinavian countries which is under attack with not so much as a intense-scare-you-to-death-while-you-sleep kinda scene. Well, i'm working on it. Guess i'm still on King trauma.

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